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altWe can supply a wide range of mainly commercial species from various fishing areas. Our main focus is exporting fish sourced from the North Pacific Ocean – from the Japanese sea to the North Bering sea (FAO 61).

All fish is caught, processed and frozen at sea within 24 hours.

The main species are:
Alaska pollock – Pacific herring – Threadfin hakeling – Squid – Pacific salmon – Atka mackerel


Catching Volumes (in MT)

Product name (Latin name) Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015
Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma)  107 310 99 155 100 351 111 196 100 202 81 742 100 618
Squid (Berrytheutis magister)  30 304 15 045 26 139 29 969 27 114 26 586 1 192
Threadfin Hakeling (Laemonema longipes)  11 922 14 462
8 705 9 514 10 700 15 693 16 540
Pacific Herring (Сlupea Pallasi Pallasi)  13 866 11 926 18 828 20 662 24 287 17 150 19 506
Other  830 2 319 2 867 5 944 2 993 2 612 4 098
Total 164 232 142 907 156 890 177 285 165 296 143 783 141 954


Product Volume tons
Volume tons
Volume tons
Volume tons
Volume tons
Volume tons
Volume tons
Pollock 26 961 32 358 47 762 50 638 47 306 29 054 29 137
Fishmeal 5 317 5 511 5 049 6 682 5 921 6 585 7 187
Pacific Herring 2 089 8 641 16 796 12 864 23 392 - 935
Squid - 693 261 - 149 2 103 -
Other 7 136 8 602 1 216 2 051 779 1 526 1 136
Total 41 503 55 805 71 084 72 235 77 547 39 268 38 395

examples of our customers sortiment

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